Characteristics Of Computer

    Characteristics Of Computer 

The Characteristics of the increasingly popularity of Computers has proved that it is a very powerful and useful tool. The power and usefulness of this popular tool are mainly due to term ‘Characteristics’ here, indicates the qualities or features depending on their size, capacity of a computer system and specifications. Most People are computer- friendly and are making their lives easier with it. In this article, we have explained the basic characteristics of computers and how they are making our work easier. The major characteristics can be classified into Automatic, Speed, Accuracy, Diligence, Versatility, Power of Remembering, No I.Q, No Feelings, Consistency, Storage Capacity, reliability. 

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  • 1.Automatic:-

Computer is a machine said to be automatic, it also be used to automatic started a job, they carry on, until the job is finished, normally this job or task completed by itself without any human assistance. They cannot go out and find their own problems and solutions. They cannot start themselves. A computer works from a programs of coded instructions, which specify exactly how a particular jobs or task is to be done. It is automatic, and work on a problem without any human interaction help of a task scheduler automatic routine such as launching a specific application or software, sending an email, scanning for virus and many other maintenance tasks. Besides , Computers can also be performed many complex tasks.

  • 2) Speed:-

Speed is one of the major characteristics of Computer System. A Computer is a very fast device. It can provide perform to save output in a few seconds or fractions of seconds. A powerful computer can handle trillions of instructions per seconds which is really incredible, that amount of work a human being can do in a entire year or a whole lifetime.

 While talking the about speed of a computer, we do not talk in terms of seconds or even milliseconds (10^-3), Our units of speed are the microseconds (10^-4),the nanoseconds(10^-9) and even the Pico -seconds (10^12). A powerful computer is capable of performing several billion (10^9) simple arithmetic operations per second.

 With the incredible speed, computers can reduce the amount of time to perform any digital task. The speed of a computer is measured in microseconds and nanoseconds.

  • 3) Accuracy:-

Due to Computer is very fast, it is not only provide incredible speed, instead, they are also capable of consistently working with it are very accurate. The degree of high accuracy for a particular computers depends upon it design. However, for a particular computer, every calculation is performed with the almost 100% speed and same accuracy.

    Errors may occur in a computer system only because of wrong input given by human being or inaccurate data or technological weakness. For example errors may occur due to increase thinking by the programmer (a person who writes instructions for a computer to solve a particular problem) or incorrect input data. Computer errors caused due to incorrect input data or unreliable programs are often referred to as garbage-in- garbage – out (GIGO).

  • 4)  Diligence:-

  • Unlike human beings, a Computer free from monotony, tiredness and lack of concentration. It can continuously work for hours, without creating any error and without grumbling. It overpowers human being in most of regular basis job or task. It can works for hours without faults. Hence, Computer scores over human beings in doing routine type of jobs, which require great accuracy. This means that if millions of calculations are to be done, a computer will performances every calculation and provide all result with the same accuracy and the speed at the first one.

  • 5) Versatility:-

    Versatility is one of the most wonderful  that the computer has the ability of different kind of works with the same accuracy and efficiency at the same time. It is not a just a calculating machine.

     For example, one moment it is preparing the results of an examination, next moment it is busy to prepare electricity bills, and in between, it may be helping an office secretary trace an important letter in seconds. All that is required change its talent is to slip in a new program ( a sequence instructions for the computer) into it. Briefly, a Computer capable of performing about any task, if the task can be reduced to a series of logical steps.

It can be also used to create invoice or bills, and inventory management or any multimedia task, etc.

  • 6) Reliability:-

  • The characteristics of the results obtained by computer are very reliable. But it is true only when the data given to the computer or program is correct and reliable.

  • 7) Consistency:-

    The characteristics of the Computer are so consistent that it perform trillions of process without errors for several hours. This means that we use a computer 24 hours a day or 365 days a year consistently. Furthermore, it provides consistent result for the same set of data, that, if it is given the same set of multiple times, it will give the same result each time.

  • 8) Power of Remembering:- 

    As a human being acquires new knowledge, the brain subconsciously selects what if if feds to be important and retaining in its many memory and relegates unimportant details to the back of the mind or just forget them. This is not the case with Computer. It has a built- I memory where it can store and recall any amount of information because of its secondary storage capability (a type of detachable primary memory) referring to Random Access Memory (RAM) from connected to a power source. Where every piece of information can be retained, as and when required. Even after several years, the day when it was fed to the computer. Computer forgot to looses certain information only it is entirely up to the user. To make the Computer retain or forgot a particular information for addition the computer includes memory ROM (Read – Only Memory), Virtual memory etc.

 These secondary devices can be kept separate from the computer or attached to the computers. Due to   their incredible speed, Computer can quickly storage capacity of the Computer is commonly measure  Terra-Bytes (TB), and Peta – Bytes (PB).

  • 9)  No I.Q:- 

A Computer is not a magical device. It possesses no intelligence on its own. It I.Q is zero, at least until today. It has to be told what to do and in what sequence. Hence, only the user can determine what tasks a Computer will perform.  A Computer cannot take its own decision in this regard.

  • 10)  No Feelings:

Computers are devoid of emotions. They have no feelings and no instincts because they are machines. Although men have succeeded in building a memory for the Computer, but no computer posses the equivalent of a human heart and soul. Based on our feelings, taste, knowledge and experience, we judge every thing ourselves. But computers cannot make such judgements on their own. Their judgment is based on the instructions given to them in the form of programs that are written by us.

Limitation of Computer:-

Computers are useful in all field of mankind. But there have along with some limitations:-
1. The Computer cannot perform a task itself, it needed set of instructions.
2. Computer cannot think or feels like human. It has No I.Q.
3. Unlike humans, computers cannot learn from experiences.
4. Power is required to operate Computer.
5. Computers can cause bugs or error yet have to be fixed by user. It faults due to technical error also.
6. Excessive usage of Computer is causing various type of health injures such as cervical and back pain, pain in eye, headache.
7. Because of fast accurate and good speed the peoples are, dependent up to computer day by day.

Summary of Characteristics Of computer:-

Now a days, Computers are used for everything navigation to communication. While there are some limitations or drawbacks of Computers but the features of Characteristics of Computers but the features of Characteristics of Computer overcome them. It executes instructions as specified by those and them. It executes instructions as specified by the users and does not take its own decisions. It have  many programs to do solve.

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