Description of a Processor

                  Description of a Processor

In this article, we will describe the processor of a hypothetical computer which we will call HYPCOM. The reason why we use a hypothetical computer is that it is easy to explain fundamental ideas with a simple model. Real commercial computers are too complex to explain basic ideas to a beginner. The processor of HYPCOM has an accumulator register (ACC). A register is an interconnected set of memory cells, each storing a bit. The other registers in the processor are an instruction register (IR) and a program counter (PC). The instruction register is used to temporarily store the instruction being executed. It consists of two parts: an operation code part and an address part. The PC register stores the address of the next instruction to be executed. The block diagram of HYPCOM processor is shown in Figure below.

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 Figure of Logical Structure of HYPCOM Processor

The other specifications of HYPCOM are:

         i.            It has a 4K word addressable memory.

       ii.            A word of HYPCOM is 16 bits long.

      iii.            A word of HYPCOM stores either an instruction or data to be processed.

     iv.            It has 15 operation codes.

       v.            The instructions are single-address instructions. Four bits are needed to represent 15 operation codes. Twelve bits are needed to address a 4K memory. An instruction is thus 16 bits long.

     vi.            It has an input unit which is used to feed both instructions and data. A 16-bit word is read via the input unit and stored in the memory when a READ operation code is executed by a processor.

    vii.            It has a printer as its output unit which is used to output a 16 – bit word from the memory when a PRINT operation code is executed by the processor.

The operation codes of HYPCOM and what each of them does are given following Table. The logical structure of HYPCOM is shown in following figure below:

Operation Mode of Hypcom Computer and Their meaning

Logical Structure of a Processor

The operation codes may be grouped as follows:

1.       Data movement operation codes


2.       Arithmetic  operation codes


3.       Control operation codes


4.       Input/output operation codes


5.       Logical operation codes


The data movement group moves data from the memory to the accumulator and from the accumulator to the memory. The arithmetic group does addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

The result of an arithmetic operation is left in the accumulator and must not exceed the capacity of the accumulator. The control group is intended to implement decision boxes in flowcharts. Normal sequential execution of instructions is altered when jump instructions are operation on characters. The exclusive-or (EOR) operation is particularly useful to examine whether the contents of two words in memory are identical. Below Table defines the exclusive-or operation between bits. It is seen that if the exclusive-or of corresponding bits of words gives all zeros, then the words are identical.

   Table of Exclusive-or operator


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